Pakistan does not have the same influence over Taliban: Jangua

Jalil Afridi
Washington DC: Foreign Secretary of Pakistan said that Pakistan welcomes the recent statement of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani for opening the doors of negotiations with Taliban.
Tehmina Jangua while speaking to Pakistani journalists in Washington DC stated that Pakistan supports Afghan led and Afghan own dialogue process with Taliban.
Tehmina Jangua stated that her visit to Washington DC is part of the continued negations with America and hope that all the opsticles will be removed. She stated that Pakistan does not want to talk to America only about Afghanistan because Pakistan does not have the same kind of influence over the Taliban which they use to have and that Pakistan and America has much more business to discuss.
Foreign Secretary Jangua said that American concerns regarding Haqqani network and the sanctuaries are being addressed and those network are being pushed back into Afghanistan.
She also said that Pakisatan has also raised its concern over terrorists sanctuaries inside Afghanistan and said that better border management needs to take place between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Miss Jangua regretted the fact that India is supporting terrorists organizations inside Afghanistan and using them against Pakistan. At the same time she also regretted that Indian has created a war like situation alongside the boundary and every day innocents Pakistanis are being killed by Indian firing.

Tehmina Jangua said that America has assured Pakistan that Afghanistan soil will not be used against Pakistan and both the countries are discussing better ways of border management.
The foreign secretary further said that Afghanistan is a brotherly muslim country and it is the common goal of Pakistan and America to bring peace in Afghanistan.
The Foreign Secretary said that we have requested the government to let Ambassador to Washington DC continue his work due to continued negotiations with America.
Miss Jangua with regard to Daesh presence in Afghanistan said that Pakistan is concerned about it and so are many other countries including Russia. She also requested that the word ISIS should not be used because the first letter name of ISIS starts with Islam and that it is not fair that a terrorists organization name begins with Islam.